Framed's 2006 Book Reviews

A list of reviews I've done during 2006. Books are rated from 1 to 5, with 5 being a stellar read. Book reviews with a 5 rating are bolded.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Justice Hall by Laurie R King

It's been so long since I've done a book review. It's just a busy time of year not a book that took forever to read. Justice Hall is part of a mystery series. My advice is to start with the first book and read them in order. I think I would have enjoyed this book even more had I done that. There are a lot of references to previous mysteries that I was clueless about. That's my disclaimer, now I can say that I really like this mystery. Mary Russell is the younger wife of Sherlock Holmes--yes, the Sherlock Holmes. I don't know how much younger, probably information contained in another book. But they have a collaborative marriage in which they work together to solve mysteries and it's a fun relationship to read about. The story takes place in the 1920's after the lst World War. Justice Hall belongs to a old friend who just inherited it. Of course, they knew this friend as someone else and had no idea that he was a member of one of England's finest families. The way King describes the actual home is fantastic. I enjoyed reading about this time period and how societal mores are changing. The actual mystery involves finding out how the previous heir to the dukedom died and if anyone caused the death to take place. (I'm trying not to give too much away.) There are some very interesting plot twists that just make the book that much more interesting. I would like to read more of King's Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes series. This one was a well-written, well-thought-out mystery.
Rating: 4.25
Nessie said...
Crazy! Like I have said never really got into mysteries but Sherlock was always a favorite for sure. I hate when you end up reading the series out of order. Once I was looking at a chunkster in the bookstore and bought it. It was Diana Gaboldon's VOYAGER which was the third book of her series. I went back and read the first two but it was not the same to be sure! :(
booklogged said...
I was fortunate enough to start with the first in this series. I have really enjoyed them all. King is quite a deliberate writer, there are parts that seem a bit slow, but it all helps the feel of the mystery and the time period. And by the end of the book you are completely satisfied. I know the first one in the series is The Beekeeper's Apprentice, I loose track after that.So you're ready to start on 'K'. I'll have to go back and see what your K reads are. You are nearly half way through the alphabet. Good for you!
booklogged said...
Your next two look like ones you're going to enjoy: To Kill a Mockigbird and The Beantree.
Orange Blossom Goddess (aka Heather) said...
I hadn't heard of this author before. Sounds like it was a good read.
Dark Orpheus said...
I love Laurie R. King. I appreciate how she always try to find something new to inject into her stories. Glad you like this book.


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