Framed's 2006 Book Reviews

A list of reviews I've done during 2006. Books are rated from 1 to 5, with 5 being a stellar read. Book reviews with a 5 rating are bolded.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen August 17, 2006

I first read this book in 9th grade and really enjoyed. How could a 15-year-old not like it? It was amazing to me as I re-read the book this week how much I had forgotten. I don't remember ever really liking Mr. Darcy. Horrors!! I don't remember the elopement . . . well there was plenty. However, I still love the book. I suspect I didn't get the humor in my first reading, while I chuckled quite a bit this time around. I thought Mr. Bennett was wonderfully droll, while Mrs. Bennett put my teeth on edge. The language took a while to get used to. Could not you just die for one "couldn't" or "wouldn't?" Would not that be unfair to the original language of the time? I loved the whole topic of civility. Yes, it was carried to an extreme that I certainly could not attain, but it would be nice to have a gentlemen apologize for even hinting at something improper, let alone what men and women are now comfortable to spew from their facial orifice. I'm ready now to see the movie. So glad I read the book first.
Rating: 4.75

Bellezza said...
I really liked this book, too. One of my favorite characters was the mother, who was so pretentious! She was a riot to me. It was so romantic, and it made me long for 'olden days' when everyone spoke correct English and used such impeccable manners. Now that you remind me, I'd like to see the movie too. It's nice to see you post on the 'classics.'
4:21 PM

Framed said...
Bell, were you amazed at how correct they spoke to each other even after they were married? No wonder marriages lasted longer in those days. Everyone was so civil.
9:57 PM

Alyson said...
So did you fall in love with Mr. Darcy this time around? Are you going to watch the new version or the A&E version? I strongly suggest the A&E version for obvious reasons (Colin Firth). Maybe then you'll change your mind from Hugh Grant to Colin.
11:56 PM

Framed said...
No, Aly, as perfect as Mr Darcy is in every way, he seems to be lacking a sense of humor. But then, only Mr. Bennett showed much of that. I think I am in love with him. But no, he has other faults, mainly no money and nothing to leave me. So, yes, I am in love with Mr. Darcy. But then his first name is Fitzwilliam. I guess I could call him Mr.D in our intimate moments. I wonder if Cassie has the A&E version. Maybe she would bring it to Vernal along with my Gray's Anatomy DVD, and any others she has borrowed indefinitely. I do like Colin Firth, but there is just something about Hugh Grant.
9:06 PM
Cassie said...
I suppose I could let you borrow my copy. I was planning on returning your dvds this next trip so I will see you then. Maybe you will have something new for me to borrow eh?
8:59 AM

Framed said...
Cassie, I'd better hurry and watch the Anthony Trollope series which I just bought so you can borrow them. I'm excited to see you again.
11:04 PM


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