Framed's 2006 Book Reviews

A list of reviews I've done during 2006. Books are rated from 1 to 5, with 5 being a stellar read. Book reviews with a 5 rating are bolded.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Pigs in Heaven by Barbara Kingsolver July 21, 2006

I hated "The Poisonwood Bible". So I wasn't inclined to like this book, but I did. Any mother can relate to a woman who does whatever she can to protect her child. In the end, she does the right thing, even though it is not necessarily the best thing for her. The child involved is a little girl named Turtle who was left in Taylor's car at the age of three after a lot of neglect and abuse. The child is Cherokee and the Cherokee nation learns about her and wants her back. So Taylor and Turtle run. The characters in the book are so interesting and diverse. My favorite is Alice, Taylor's mother.
I love this quote from her, "Taylor, I never heard you run yourself down before. You'd just as well jump off a bridge than to start in like that. When I was in my thirties I had these little square hips left over from being pregnant and I just hated it. I kept thinking, 'All those years before, I had a perfect glamour-girl body, and I didn't spend one minute appreciating it because I thought my nose had a bump in it.' And now that I'm old, my shoulder hurts and I don't sleep good and my knuckles swell up, and I think, 'All those years in my thirties and forties I had a body where everything worked perfect. And I didn't spend one minute appreciating it because I thought I had square hips.' " Isn't that just how women are?
This is a very good book, interesting story, captures your attention, good character and great humor. I may have to give "The Poisonwood Bible" another chance.
Rating: 4.5

booklogged said...
Framed, there's a world of difference between the 2 books. One is a very enjoyable novel and the other is a masterpiece. I loved them both. That quote you shared is awesome. Too bad it's not a poem it would make a perfect birthday poem!If you ever do decide to read Poisonwood again you may want to check out these sites: Be sure to check out the link on this page to themes, motifs, and symbols.Sure enjoy your book reviews. I'm glad that with everything else you have to do that you still find time to read and share.
1:21 PM

Framed said...
I wouldn't call "Pigs in Heaven" a masterpiece. I only rated it 4.5.
8:32 PM

booklogged said...
I was referring to Poisonwood Bible as a masterpiece. :O>
9:31 PM

Framed said...
Really??? I can't imagine.
10:39 PM

jenclair said...
My favorite Kingsolver novels are Prodigal Summer and Animal Dreams. I did enjoy The Bean Trees and Pigs in Heaven. I couldn't get into The Poisonwood Bible but maybe I should try again.
9:10 PM

Framed said...
Jenclair, Thanks so much for your comments. It's nice to know that I am not the only one who didn't love "The Poisonwood Bible." I feel a little vindicated.
12:17 PM


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