Framed's 2006 Book Reviews

A list of reviews I've done during 2006. Books are rated from 1 to 5, with 5 being a stellar read. Book reviews with a 5 rating are bolded.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

BURNED by Carol Higgins Clark October 5, 2006

I liked the first Carol Higgins Clark book I read and lost interest in the Reagan Reilly series as I read more. I find Clark's humor to be quite mean-spirited. The characters are two-dimensional: Reagan, her mother, father and fiance are all very intelligent and extremely attractive human beings and the rest of the cast fall quite short of anything close to their perfection. "Burned" is no different. I do like the character, Reagan Reilly, and her family. Why does everyone else have to be so laughable, inept, crass or just plain bad. The mystery is flat and the reader doesn't really care who committed the crime; and there are several crimes going on here besides the murder. Let's just say I was glad to finish and now I will be giving the book away. I didn't even care enough to find the book cover that matched my book for this post.
Rating: 1
booklogged said...
I agree. I wanted to like her books but I just didn't.
Joy said...
So sorry for your disappointment. The good news is the next book can virtually only go up! :)
Bookfool said...
Sorry you didn't enjoy the book. I've never read Clark, but I understand the feeling; I felt rather the same way about Victoria Laurie's second psychic mystery (can't remember the title). The character was snarky but fun in the first book, downright nasty and stupid in the second. I'm going to give her another chance (or two) because I really liked the first book, but I'm giving myself a good long break between the two! Hope your next read is more entertaining!


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