Framed's 2006 Book Reviews

A list of reviews I've done during 2006. Books are rated from 1 to 5, with 5 being a stellar read. Book reviews with a 5 rating are bolded.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler. May 20, 2006

Average. I couldn't find a character I liked so this was hard to read. There is one quote I did like so I will share that. Ira is remembering a family outing:"He had known then what true waste was; Lord, yes. It was not his having to support these people but his failure to notice how much he loved them. . . But then the feeling had faded (probably the very next instant, when Junie started begging to leave) and he forgot what he had learned. And no doubt he would forget again. "
Rating: 2


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